Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Greatest Thing

Development in Cambodia: WHAT A GREAT THING!!!

First, we'll widen the roads. It's okay, we'll just cement over the greenery so that we can fit more cars.Cars are great because they take up more space and pollute the environment. Yay!
Second,we'll invite fast food chains to introduce their wonderful cuisine. Now you can eat in Cambodia like you do in America! Don't worry about the local restaurants, they'll just lose business to the yellow arches down the road. Then, people can gain unhealthy amounts of weight because that's a sign of increased GDP!
Third, we'll invite multi-national corporations to clear-cut the rain forest and pollute the rivers. But don't worry, it'll provide jobs for masses of people who would otherwise be working outdoors (what a drag!). Now you can sit down all day, and not have to get any exercise. Plus, factories are great places to work! The managers never abuse the women and the factory--with its big cement walls and smokestacks--is quite  humanizing.
Fourth, we'll fill the television channels with American pop culture. Now Khmer people can ditch their traditional music, whiten their skin with moisturzing cream, and practice self-colonialisation! I mean, come on, culture isn't very important. It's only what makes a country unique, and empowers the people.

Yes, development is a great thing. Why have paradise when you can have a parking lot?


  1. *cries* ... How is the work aspect of your trip? Have you started teaching yet?

  2. Also: is there flooding where you are? I hope all is well.
